
Baylor Scientists Aim to Design Safer Chemicals for Humans and Environment with Multimillion Dollar Grant

April 10th, 2014

WACO, Texas (April 10, 2014) — Bryan W. Brooks, Ph.D., professor of environmental science and biomedical studies in Baylor University’s College of Arts & Sciences and director of the environmental science graduate program and the environmental health science program, will lead the research core on a four-year, $4.4 million project aimed at designing chemicals and materials that are less toxic to humans and the environment. Read more…

Adelina Vouthkova-Kostal leads ACSGCI Green Chemistry Conference Session

​February 11th, 2014

Adelina Voutchkova-Kostal is co-organizing the session on Chemical Design for the ACSGCI 18th Annual Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference. The conference theme is “Advancing Chemistry, Innovating for Sustainability.” Read more…

Project leads the way to find safer chemicals

October 25th, 2013

Yale University is heading up a $4.4 million project aimed at creating less toxic chemicals across a wide spectrum of products, processes and services. Read more…

New EPA/NSF awards reflect the interdisciplinary nature of sustainability science

September 30th, 2013

Four groups of researchers hope to make the world safer via one-time sustainability science awards that the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced today. Read more… 

New project targets new wave of safer chemicals

September 30th, 2013

Yale scientists will lead a new four-year, $4.4 million project intended to promote the design of a new generation of chemicals and materials less toxic to humans and the environment. Read more…


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